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David Watson 🥑
I guess the difference is that in her own case, she just complained on Twitter about a thing rather than call the cops, but I don't think the gap between "X is flagrantly antisocial behavior that harms many people" and "the police should stop X" is an unbridgeable chasm
like. Creating a fire hazard and tons of noise in a densely populated area after dark is a violation of the social contract, and violations of the social contract should entail risk
I would guess that a place where people still commonly open fire hydrants in the summer would not be considered gentrified by most people.
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As a parent of children I feel this though, because I am constantly saying "Go have fun! NO NOT LIKE THAT"
My dog hated the fireworks when I lived in the suburbs of Stuttgart; my dog hates the fireworks now that I'm back in Flatbush, Brooklyn
I think a caveat is if 1. Is a tradition that's been happening for years and is expected and understood (so you can prepare for it). 2. Is an activity that someone couldn't prepare for unless it happens regularly every year in the area.
I mean, I was bitching about all the fireworks in my neighborhood last night too, but I’m never going to DO anything about it. 😂