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A while back, I was talking with a friend who'd moved to the US a few years prior At some point, I said something like "we Americans..." and he froze with shock. He asked, "Wait, do you think of me as American?" Without much thought, I said "Of course!" He paused for a while and then said, "Wow. Back home no one would ever refer to a recent immigrant that way. Heck, they wouldn't refer to any immigrant that way, even if they'd lived there for decades" While the US has a lot of problems (many of which are our own making), this moment made me swell with joy and pride for this special place Happy birthday, America. I'm so proud to be the citizen of a country where, if you choose to build your life here and contribute to your community, you can become an American too 🇺🇸
David Watson 🥑
From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched… Show more
I couldn't agree more with this sentiment:
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I'm just here to listen
Replying to @devonzuegel
My family has been here as long as seven generations in branches. A lot of my friends from work and school are immigrants. I often tell them they're the realest Americans - the ones that took the initiative to be here and weren't just born here. I think that's true.
I totally agree that the US is a super welcoming country and it is extremely easy to integrate. BUT... is also brutally demanding to get a visa in the first place. It should be easier for high-profile people to enter the country.
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Had a similar experience at the Statue of Liberty where an interactive exhibition asks for the place you call home, to which my wife and I (immigrants from different countries) chose US after a brief pause -> it showed our picture on a big screen with the US flag :)
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In most of western europe, they’d still call you an immigrant if your grandparents were born elsewhere Not great
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