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David Watson 🥑
something can be arranged
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Paw Patrol in Terminator with Arnold Schwarzenegger
Prompt: "Paw Patrol in Terminator with Arnold Schwarzenegger"
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Reminds me when I was younger my Dad would often call the house phone and my Mum would give me the phone and tell me it was Bear, from Bear in the Big Blue House and I’d get all excited as Bear would tell me to make sure I cleaned up and went to bed and put everything away…
As a father of 2 toddlers I can tell you the paw patrol doesn’t arrest anyone. Mayor Humdinger has committed countless felonies and hasn’t served a day.
Take any random SMS notifications you regularly get & save it as Paw Patrol. Bc no matter what you send that number, it will always immediately reply. Kiddos don’t know the difference. I did this with Top Golf/Santa. The look when Santa pops up on Apple Car Play in July 😂😳😂
Who do you know who can do a convincing accent? Change their name in your phone &set them up to call you immediately after you text them
Like those books we got when I was 5-6 (1989-1990) that were customized children's books with the kids name. My sister got a mermaid one, I got one about a robot.
my sister used to call me from a different room with my brother and i’d pretend to be santa and tell him he needed to listen and be good or else santa wouldn’t come this year lmao