California's rooftop solar market is shrinking fast, largely due to decisions by Gov. Gavin Newsom's appointees. State lawmakers have proposed several bills that would reverse those decisions, but will they pass?… via @jeffsaintjohn

Apr 15, 2024 · 5:00 PM UTC

All you need to do is publish the amount of money the utilities and their unions have given to Newsom and influential members of the legislature over the past 4 years. Why does a monopoly need to spend so much money?
Newsom, the CPUC, and the majority of the legislature serves their corporate overseers, the state-sanctioned-monopoly-investor-owned utilities and those utilities' institutional shareholders. Ratepayers be damned. It's a state-sanctioned Ponzi scheme paid by unheard ratepayers.
They need to pass. There’s no alternative.
If the progress of solar ussft depends on the government shoving it down our throat, is it really that useful and a good alternative to fossil fuel?