Begging journalists who cover GOP politicians’ statements on reproductive to ask them about the party’s platform commitments on this — it seems they are saying they will appoint judges who rule that IVF violates the 14th amendment.
Now of course just because that’s in the platform doesn’t mean any individual politician agrees with it. But “do you support the GOP platform commitment on abortion rights and if not do you plan to change it?” seems like a very legitimate question for people to wonder about.
Steve Daines, who is advising GOP candidates to say they don’t want to ban IVF, co-sponsored an IVF ban.

Feb 23, 2024 · 5:39 PM UTC

Replying to @mattyglesias
They all got the memo
In new memo obtained by CNN, NRSC instructs its candidates to reject clearly and concisely government attempts to restrict access to IVF
Replying to @mattyglesias
What is wrong with these creepy men that they think a women's life has no more validity than a few cells? Don't they have anything better to fixate on?
Did your rep cosponsor an IVF ban?
Is your House Rep posting about IVF today? If so, check to see if they signed onto the Life at Conception Act. Because if they did, their IVF tweet is just a smoke screen. Check here:…
WTF isn't the media covering this? Where are America's journalists?
Jim - close the border - do your job you constantly photo op seeking pol
Replying to @mattyglesias
Senator Daines obviously feels very strongly about the issue.
Replying to @mattyglesias
Hypocrisy at its finest. That Trump's zombie RINO cult doesn't recognize the two-faced hypocrites for the manipulative big brother gov't power hungry twerps they in fact are baffles me.
Gives new meaning to "anchor baby". Anyone having sex in America has created a US citizen, even if the tiny little "living" tadpole-like swimmers don't make it.