“Last year, the world’s annual CO2 emissions increased by 398 million metric tons. China and India accounted for more than 100 percent of that increase.” vox.com/politics/24074408/cl…

Feb 21, 2024 · 4:01 PM UTC

Replying to @mattyglesias
I won’t blame Biden for doing it, but our apparatus made it possible and somebody in the US gave the ok.
Replying to @mattyglesias
True, exposing the folly of climate activism.
So what are they going to do to lower their impact?
Replying to @mattyglesias
So stop making ourselves poor for no reasons. Open up Alaska. Build pipelines. Frack.
Replying to @mattyglesias
You aren’t accounting for cumulative emissions—overall we have emitted way more than China or India. These sort of selfish imperialist arguments disincentivize any sort of change from coming about
Replying to @mattyglesias
More than 100% ?
Replying to @mattyglesias
I hate, hate, hate how this data point is presented, but I'll admit I can't think of a pithier way to describe the problem.
Replying to @mattyglesias
Hey Vox: do math gooder
Replying to @mattyglesias
Maybe they have more motivational coaches who inspired them to give 110%?