"two wrongs don't make a right" (one wrong, Europeans doing settler colonialism, the other wrong, native americans building apartment buildings in a city)
Replying to @pwaldkirch
Next opponent: "it just comes down to feelings". Giant towers will "stick out like sore thumbs". Understands that "our Indigenous brothers and sisters may well feel Europeans erected unwelcome structures on wild and gorgeous nature", but "two wrongs don't make a right"

Jan 25, 2024 · 11:09 PM UTC

Replying to @jdcmedlock
What did y’all think decolonization meant? vibes? papers? essays? losers.
Replying to @jdcmedlock
People are really on here referring to development as "colonization" like Columbus was just some guy who wanted to build apartments
Replying to @jdcmedlock
1. Genocide. vs. 2. Densification. Honkies:
Replying to @jdcmedlock
“It’s on par with the trail of tears to build apartments on land you own in a city experiencing a life-ruining housing shortage” says the 60 year old homeowner who has enjoyed $1m+ in housing appreciation at the direct expense of future generations
Replying to @jdcmedlock
Someone has to break the cycle of oppression
Replying to @jdcmedlock
Meh, you fomented this rethoric, and now you deal with it.
Replying to @jdcmedlock
These Vancouver NIMBYs have the nerve to do land declarations ("this land was stolen from native Americans by colonialists...") at a community meeting just before they start arguing this development on native land should be stopped. Self parody.
Replying to @jdcmedlock
They internalized the evil europeans colonialism and are now doing it to themselves.
Replying to @jdcmedlock
I would simply build more giant towers so they don't stick out