With Hungary's grudging yes, Sweden now joins Finland in Nato. The length of the Russia-Nato border has jumped fourfold since Putin's invasion. Yet people glibly say that Putin is winning. Strategically he's still losing.

Feb 26, 2024 · 4:33 PM UTC

Replying to @EdwardGLuce
it may have "lost" Sweden and Finland but gained China and most of Global South which feels like victory ...
his strategic aim was to squash Ukrainian nation state and divide Europe.
Replying to @EdwardGLuce
Fair points! How is trust in American and British institutions faring? How do we fix that while maintaining the fight with Putin? We uncap the House while maintaining a strong Senate and Executive branch.
Replying to @EdwardGLuce
~$6K/155mm artillery shell for Western countries vs. $600/152mm artillery shell for Russia. Russia's economy is expanding, while Western European economies are stagnating. UK & Finland now in recession. Read the room. Strategically, NATO's greatest threat is corruption.
Replying to @EdwardGLuce
What changed? Other than that we now have a more dangerous world. Russia has two allies that make the Nato alliance look like toddlers. China, and Iran. Madness x 10, Oh...and when will NATO actually poney up for their own defense? That was supposed to happen in 2024. But they keep having to supply Ukraine with their inventory. So, how does that work?
Replying to @EdwardGLuce
Meh, hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainians might disagree. You see strategy, I see goofy rich white guys sending someone else's kids to slaughter.
Replying to @EdwardGLuce
🇸🇪 Welcome to NATO Sweden! The Baltic Sea is now officially ours, bye bye Russia 🤡
Replying to @EdwardGLuce
🇸🇪 Välkommen till Nato Sverige ‼️
Replying to @EdwardGLuce
Finally. What a difference a couple of F16 airplanes to Turkey and JAS Gripen airplanes to Hungary makes…
I am terrified of the narrative being promulgated on the far right that Russia is a good actor and NATO is a monster. Spent time this weekend w dear friends who believe this hook, line, sinker. It is beyond mind-blowing, and underscores we don’t teach history well in U.S.